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Two Step Lead Generation

"Step? I'm sitting bro."  We all have that moments.
We get across a word and think: "aww what is this?"

Here's how to use two step lead generation for your business.

How to Use It?
First you need a hook to get people interested.
Then you don't sell them on point, you wait.
Since your copy is on point they get through the end of your first message.
And they stay there surprised you didn't try to push them into buying.

What's Next?
You get their info and wait...wait...wait..

And then BOOM! You come up with an offer they can't refuse.

They buy. You happy. They happy. We happy.


But Why Do We Do That?

As I've told you before everything is a numbers game.

We do it, so that it increases our conversion rate.

To get more clients basically.

That's also called soft selling. 

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