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Why Most People Never Make It In Business And How You Can Be The Exception

Güncelleme tarihi: 25 Nis

While adding more elements to my website I was reminded of something that most people don't realize:‎

Building a business is extremely frontloaded.‎

If you don't know what frontloaded means:‎"to put or concentrate (efforts, costs, expenditures, etc.) at the beginning of (a contract, project, etc.)"

A website. An email list. An ad campaign. A lead magnet. Logo, name, email address... all of that stuff is frontloaded.‎

You do it now and you'll be using that for months and years.‎

If you're a very sharp cookie you'll have noticed that this is similar to any skill in life.

‎Walking? Very frontloaded!‎ You fall flat on your face a thousand times.

Then all of a sudden you can walk and you rarely fall down anymore.(Unless you're Joe Biden)

Reading, speaking, learning a language, etiquette, it's alllll frontloaded.‎

You pay the price and you benefit from it the rest of your life.‎

Here's the weird part though.‎ Everyone succeeds at walking. They pay the price and get the reward. You don't see a lot of people crawling on the sidewalk, do you?‎

So why do most people fail at business?‎ Because giving up at walking is unacceptable.‎

But giving up at business? Completely acceptable.

‎Even though it's the same process.

‎Pay the price. Do the work. Take the hits. Get the reward.

‎This can be a rollercoaster experience, I understand.‎

But the first rule of rollercoasters is:‎"Don't get off the ride until it's done"

Same with business.‎

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