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What %97 of Business People Misunderstand

Güncelleme tarihi: 25 Nis

Once upon a time... I was worried that people would steal my ideas.

You see, I have excellent ideas. For almost 4 years I've been able to think up solid stuff.

And when everyone around you seems to have the creative thinking ability of a moderately retarded bananapeel... you start thinking that they might steal your ideas.

Then, after years of being sort of scared of sharing things, I started sharing bits and pieces of my ideas anyway.

People heard it. Competitors heard it. It was out there in the world.

And nothing happened.

So I shared more. And nothing happened.

Then I shared EVERYTHING. Every step, every secret, every ingredient of the secret sauce.

And nothing bad happened.

I got more clients, a stronger reputation and more attention because my stuff was actually helpful.

Sure, some competitors toyed around with my ideas. But they never followed through.

Sharing your ideas with the world is a gigantic upside vs very limited downside idea.

I would highly recommend you going for it.


P.S. And no, I'm not a big believer of copyright and patents and all of that stuff.

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