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The One Thing That Holds You From Perma Success

They say that obesity is a modern disease. That's A LIE.

They also say climate change will kill you if you don't do something until 2030, your politicians wants the best for you, you should become a vegan and identify as a 30 year old toilet slipper.

Let me tell you what the REAL disease of modernity is:

Overthinking. Again and again and agaaaaaaaaaain....

You're in your head. 24/7/365.

What if this?

What if that?

OMG. Ooooo......

Waking up in the middle of the night, thinking:

What if lizard people come from constellation draco and unite with sumerian goddess enki and attack my favorite pink cow and throw away my wife elizabeth like... uuuuuh... a boomerang...

Overthinking is lame.

And gay.

Stop thinking so much. Go do shit. Attack life. NOW.

Remember, you can get hit by a bus tomorrow. Or get struck by a lightning. Or get sucker punched by Mike Tyson while he was practicing shotakan karate.

Look at what you've done at the end of the day. Plan the next day. Do a lot of things. Rinse and repeat.

Stop doubting yourself. Your path. Your actions.

As They say you only live twice, one for yourself and one for your dreams.

And your duty is to live them in one.


Nothing happens until something moves.


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