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The Godfather Of Advertising: Who is David Ogilvy

David Mackenzie Ogilvy June 23, 1911 - July 21, 1999 British advertising mogul, founder of Ogilvy & Mather and known as the "Father of Advertising". He was educated at the Gallup research organization and attributed the success of his campaigns to meticulous research on consumer habits. His most famous campaigns include Rolls-Royce, Dove soap and Hathaway shirts.

What makes this guy special is that he founded the world's largest advertising company from scratch.

Let's analyse his life:

David Ogilvy's Life

We have a classic success story facing us:

David Ogilvy's father had no money, sent him to public school, when the boy won a scholarship he went to a private school and then won a place at Oxford. When he failed the exams, he was expelled from school after 2 years.

In 1931, he worked as a kitchen boy in a very famous hotel in Paris at the time.

A year later he returned to Scotland and began selling AGA cookers door to door.

He was a huge success.

This success made him stand out to his employer, who asked him to write a user manual for his fellow salesmen called *The Theory and Practice of Selling the AGA Cooker*.

Thirty years later, Fortune magazine editors called it the best sales manual ever written.

David Ogilvy's Imperial Advertising Company

Ogilvy, who worked as a chef, researcher and farmer, later set up his own advertising agency with the support of Mather and Crowther.

The London agency was run by his older brother Francis.

When David Ogilvy set up his agency he had only $6,000 in his account ($59,726.72 in 2016 dollars).

"Wow, what could I do with this money, pooooo!" If you say so, stop there because he said that if he spent this money on the office he would keep, his employees and other expenses, he could last about 2 months.

In other words, the job was a matter of life and death.

In his book *Confessions of an Advertising Man*, he wrote that he had difficulty finding customers at the beginning.

The company also introduced the Rolls-Royce automobile with the famous headline: "The loudest sound in this new Rolls-Royce at 60 miles per hour comes from the electric clock."

NOTE: David Ogilvy said about this advertisement, "It's the best headline I've ever written in my life."

In 1989, this company was purchased for $864 million at the time. This money is approximately $2.2 billion in today's value.

Writing Advertisements Like David Ogilvy

David Ogilvy's principles are as follows:

- The function of advertising is to sell and that successful advertising for any product is based on information about the consumer.

- Advertising should not be loud and condescending.

- and a customer should be seen as intelligent

In 1955, based on these values, he wrote an advertisement with the title "The customer is not a moron, she is your wife" and as always, it was very successful.

Don't worry, in our future articles we will also cover many of David Ogilvy's works and the advertising fundamentals that made him successful.

Increasing Your Customer Number - With the Ogilvy Method

If you are saying "But what can I do with these principles, brother? I do electrical work, I need customers. I don't need David or Ogilvy.", you have come to the right place.

If you are a business owner, you should use David's advertising principles in your business URGENTLY...of course, if you haven't started using them yet....

....if you want to increase your customer number by using David Ogilvy's principles without wasting any time....

Contact my agency today. If we get along well, I will personally look at your company and marketing, develop a strategy on what I will do differently and discuss it with you in depth in a phone call.

No fee, no commitment.

If you want to work together I will explain exactly how it works, if you don’t, that’s fine. No pressure, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

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