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The Best Ads Ever - Part 2 "Know-it-all" men should not read this page

Provoking you to read...

challenging you...

a struggle, an adventure, an adventure:

A guide for men who want more

Before analyzing this ad, let's explain a little about the inner world of men for the ladies among us.

No matter what, we men want the better, the faster, the higher quality, the more beautiful and the more popular.

Yes, there is competition between women, too, but when compared to men, it is as small as the fight of ants and the fight of giants.

That's why it works when you say "Know-it-all" men shouldn't read this page.

But it doesn't work when you say "know-it-all" women shouldn't read this page.

What am I talking about?

Here it is. Download the file and let's talk.

The Art of Making You Wonder

Here they are trying to sell you a free book, yes it is free.

"Haha, free books, my man? That's wrong."

2-step sales have been implemented. You enter your address (nowadays this only happens with a download link for the book, there was no such thing in the past) and the book arrives.

As you read the book, he tries to sell you his products little by little and you buy them.

Think of it like a mobile app: free to download, with in-app purchases.

The aim here is not to sell immediately but to increase the sales amount later.

So, what curiosity tactics were used?

Writing Subheadings 101

This is a very simple place. They have written it in a way that will make you want to read the rest of the article.

We call this copywriting.

A few examples:

"Should you be making more money?"

"They sent him to the leaders of the business"

"Thousands of people could double their income"

"For men who want to be free in the next 5 years"

See? When you read it, your brain tells you:

"Yeah, let's read this, noooooooluuuur," he says.

Of course, one of our goals in the title is to attract only the target audience.

That's why the words men and know-it-all were used.

Not Sinking Everything

Usually, copywriters avoid writing such headlines...

..because either their bosses don't want it, they're afraid of the consequences, or both.

The risk you take here is to appeal to the ego of gentlemen through challenge.

Someone in the target audience reading it will think something like this:

"Know-it-all? Who the hell are you to stop me from reading this!! Let's see what happens."

He says and reads. This is the purpose. They avoid:

"Know-it-all? Oh man, what do I care. I don't read this anymore, whatever."

In the rest of the series, we will examine quality advertisements from different sectors.

Just remember the basic gist: Clear. Direct. Engaging.



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