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That's Why Your Ads Aren't Working

Güncelleme tarihi: 29 Nis

Valuable marketing lesson of the day:‎

it's extremely hard to sell boring shit

I get a decent amount of questions along the lines of:‎

"I have product X and there's nothing unique or special about it. How do I sell this?"

Imagine having to sell broomsticks. Most boring thing on the planet.

‎Claude Hopkins, author of 'My Life in Advertising' was tasked with just that.‎

Dude wrote an advertising campaign selling women on the different kinds of woods that the brooms were made of.

‎He didn't say: "iS yOuR hOuSe dIrTy!?"

That'd be dumb. We're talking to adults here. They knew how to clean a house.‎

So he fixed the thing that needed fixing. He made brooms exciting.‎

Politicians don't win by making sense OR by solving anything.

‎They win by being NOT BORING.‎

You need attention before you can sell anything. Best invention ever? No one gives a fuck. Until you make them pay attention.

‎Hooks, Headlines, Offers. These are crucial. Make or break.‎

So, next time you're looking for the reason why ads aren't working?‎

See if your offer is boooooooring.

Talk soon,‎


P.S. If it fixed a client's problem in a believable way it's not boring to that client.‎If you don't have acne then every ad about clear skin is boring as shit.‎But if you do have acne? Clear skin is like medical grade cocaine to an addict. They'll be riveted.

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