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  • Yazarın fotoğrafıSalih İnce

How to Get Paid Without Testimonials

Yesterday, I was in the midst of writing an article and a friend of mine called me.

He just started his selling journey and he was a bit worried. He said:

Salih... I don't know what to do man.. I was talking to this guy and he asked me how long I have been doing this selling thing and I couldn't know what to say and he asked me references and....

I told him to relax, asked him some questions to make sure I understand the situation clearly. And started to give solutions to the problem. It was something like this:

I talked about how you can prove and establish the fact that you're an expert.‎


Because experts get PAID.

I like getting paid. Would highly recommend it. Great feeling.

‎Now, I know that someone is going to see this and ask (while drooling profusely):‎

sO yOuRe sAyInG TuCkEr cArLsOn iS wRoNg aNd tRuMp iS wRoNg aNd eLoN MuSK iS wRoNg aNd RoBeRt KiYoSaKI iS wRoNg aNd eVeRyOnE iS wRoNg!?

No.‎I'm saying they are right.‎

Contrary to popular belief there are more ways that lead to Rome.‎

-Building up your portfolio is great.

-Getting practical experience is great.

-Collecting testimonials is great.‎

I'm all for it, 100%.‎

In here I focus on getting you to a certain level of competence. Once you hit that level you'll be able to get PAID by clients.

All of the other stuff helps. I just want you to be able to lean heavily on your competence to close deals and get paid.

‎That's why you have my articles. Making you just a little bit better every single day I'm turning you into a marketing and sales assassin. A killer.‎

A man (or woman) of focus... commitment... and sheer WILL.‎

Competence seals the deal. Work on your skills every single day. Because in the end that's what gets you paid.


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