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How to Communicate to Earn More and More

Ever gotten mad at pixels on a screen?

‎I sure as fuck have.

‎Arguing with someone on the Internet. Trying to prove him wrong. Making sure the world knows you're right.‎

Maybe you get a bad review. Or a prospect responds like a complete asshole.

‎Let me save you years of frustration. Sit down before you read the next sentence:‎


We're talking about pixels on a screen.

Do you understand that all this stuff is not real?‎

You're looking at pixels. On a screen.‎

Everyone is very tough and cool when they sit behind a screen. That means you're not talking to a real person. You're talking to that person's cool and tough persona. And he's not talking to you either. He's just responding to pixels on a screen as well.‎

Short summary: you can't take this stuff seriously.‎

Can't be getting angry about pixels on a screen. Or sad. Or insulted.‎

It's just pixels.‎

In the words of Khabib: "Who cares brazza? Who cares?"

‎Remember this next time you find your emotions flaring up over something you see or read or hear online. Pixels on a screen people.


Over the years I've had many people complain about me. In fact, very recently, Most Ad a d=====getting angry at pixels on a screen is very odd. Where's your focus? What's bad? Or what's good?=====

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