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Do You Make This Mistake In Marketing?

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away I ran a group based on chasing crypto airdrops.

We were a team of 3 people working real hard, creating 100s of accounts to get a bigger share of each airdrop.

I was the guy who found projects and created a bit of accounts,

My friend, let's call him Adam, was creating the most of accounts and the other guy was multiplying accounts on the side, so he barely even knew anything about the business.

Key thing though: this is supposed to be the year where we study to get in university.

AND I'm the guy who convinced these people to work at this and skip studying for uni.

But everything was great, we had and amazing time and I was feeling like a rockstar.

The Worst Business Mistake

Time goes by and we get some money, we share it to three.

Money comes, share it to three.... three.

You get it. After sometime my friend Adam came to me and said:

We are doing the most of the job here, why are we sharing equally?

And we discussed it and I thought we had an agreement on sharing equal...

...until this big and LAST project of our plan comes out.

We get all the wallets out, everything ready and wait for the big day.

I call my friend to meet where we discussed, doesn't answer the phone....

...calling him, again, again and again...

...messaged him AND THEN I got it.

He betrayed me. And my other friend but he probably didn't even care.

I let that happen.


Because I got dependant on ONE source of account creation. And that’s the dumbest possible thing you can ever do.

The Worst Number In Business

At first I blamed my friend and the crypto and whole of other things.

Then it hit me.

This was ALL MY FAULT.

I failed miserably because I got too dependent on ONE source. One is the worst number in business. 

One key staff person.

One source of income.

One big client.

And what happens when you’re ONE is taken away? You’re dead in the water.

And that’s the nasty thing about business. Everything that CAN go wrong eventually DOES go wrong.

So I set out to fix this issue and vowed to never get in that position ever again.

Making Your Marketing Hard To Kill

I make it a point to spot the “ones” in my business. Because every ‘one’ is an attack vector. A vulnerability waiting to be exploited. Ticking time bombs. You get the picture.

And it’s even worse if you ignore a specific ‘one’ because you’ve convinced yourself that “this one is different”.

Narrator voice: “this one wasn’t different.”

When it comes to marketing this means we’re always looking to get an ad to work… and then we branch it out across many different platforms.

Meta ads working? Awesome. 

Let’s look at Youtube. 

And Google. 

And offline. 

And direct mail. 

And cold email. 

And autoresponder marketing. 

And affiliate marketing. 

And referral marketing. 

And anything else we can think of.

This is the only dependable way to become ‘Hard to Kill’ or ‘Hard to Cancel’. 

Talk soon,


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