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So... You want to learn more about marketing

Well... What is marketing?

Let's start by what it is not:


Forcing people to buy your service

Spraying and praying your companies name

Copying big companies when advertising


Why Not Big Companies?

Well, because their main objective isn't making money.

They have to please stockholders, wall street, meet diversity quotas...

That's why showing a mountain and saying "evian" don't work.

As an individual you have to do something else.


How To Market Without A Bugdet of $600M

As a relatively small business,

your objective is to spend $1 of ad money and get $2 back.

"Does your neck hurt? Do you have back pain? Contact us now and we'll solve your problem today" a clever chiropractor once said.


And THAT'S Marketing

By the way if you have any questions regarding marketing in your business contact me here. And I'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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