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Frequently Asked Questions

This section will clarify all the questions in your head about the terminology and specific terms used in advertising.


By the end of  this, you'll be a master marketer yoda terminologist.

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What is marketing

Marketing is using the three magical questions to convince people to do basically everything: 1. What is the message? 2. Who are we saying it to? 3. How are you reaching these people? Click here to learn more.

What is and ad

Advertisement is a tool for marketing. If used correctly, it can pull both targeted customers and customers who didn't even know they wanted that product. For more.

What is sales

Sales is a superpower. Marketing is how you convince people to listen. Sales is how you convince people to buy. It's helping someone to make the right decision for them. For more.

What is outreach

Outreach is reaching out to people and saying: "hi, you do that. I can make you do that better. If you are interested let's get in touch." Click here to get in depth.

What is a business

Business is money in. Not your tax registiration certificate. Not the new computers you bought. If you bring money in everyday, you have a business. Click here to get more customers

What is a niche

A niche is a super specific market where only certain goods get marketed. Dog shoe toys, doorbells and massage equipment are a few of them. Click here for more.

What is a headline

An headline is like shouting someone's name in the crowd. You'll get their attention and some people else's too. Do these to lose weight in 14 days is a headline. Click here for more.

What is prospecting

Prospecting is the fancy way to describe getting new customers. It could be in many ways. But there's only two main types: 1. inbonud prospecting 2. outbound prospecting. For more.

What is a lead magnet

A lead magnet is often offering big value to pull potential clients. It could be in a pdf form. Some people like to send it on email adresses to use them later. Click here for more.

What is retargeting

Retargeting is targeting the people who has already showed interest in your product or service. Highly effective and rarely used in advertising. Click here to learn more

What is two-step lead generation

It's offering something free to get interested people to raise their hands and admit their interest and then convert them into paying customers. Commonly used in high ticket products. Want to learn more? Click here.

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